My Mother, My Mirror – A performance essay by Camilla Graff Junior

A performance essay by Camilla Graff Junior
Monday April 8, 8pm
Duration: 1 hour
What do I expect from a mother? What have I received from my mother? What will I pass on to my daughter? What are my fears? What did my mother tell me was possible? What did she show me was impossible? Does my anger come from my mother – or does it come from even further way back in my history? How is my mother present in my way of being a mother? Why did my mother start to drink? Why did I believe that I never would become a mother? How much do I repeat my mother’s life? Do I at all repeat my grandmother’s life? Are my mother and I alike?
Camilla Graff Junior in this performance invites the audience to help her to bring light to a number of these questions. She for this will bring a selected list of narratives to choose from and her grandmother’s egg timer.
Camilla Graff Junior is a Danish performance artist and artistic researcher. Her projects are situated in the intersections between visual art, creative writing, narrative, feminist theory, archive and affect. Over the past twenty years she has conceived a number of solo and collaborative performances that have been performed in Europe, Africa, South America and the United States. She graduated in performance studies in 2007 and holds a double Master’s degree from Université la Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris and from the University of Copenhagen.